Monday, April 1, 2013

A Microphone for Nobodies

I love the Internet.
Now that seems like a strange thing for a Christian to say,
since the Internet abounds with anarchy, confusion and the peddling of human flesh.
But it's also overflowing with PASSION, and the dictionary
defines that word as: "a powerful emotion...ardent love...boundless enthusiasm."
Where can we find those things in today's world?
We long for passion, but we find it not. We can hardly find it within ourselves,
because our human voices have been silenced by the Cult of Fame.
And that's why I love the Internet. I love the Internet because it gives a microphone to nobodies.
The Internet has returned to common people their God-given VOICE.
You don't have to be Celine Dion to sing on YouTube.
You don't have to be Robert Frost to read your poems online.
You don't have to be Fred Astaire to have millions watch your little dance.
You don't have to be famous. You don't have to be beautiful. You don't have to be handsome.
You don't have to have a recording contract. You don't have to have a publisher.
You don't have to be a pro.
But you do have to have passion.
Society has had enough air-brushed emotion. It's been overfed canned pleasure...but it loves passion.
And when you see a street performer with two teeth and a tear in his hear passion.
When you see a kid doing some ultra-weird dance in an see passion.
When you see ordinary people singing the Hallelujah Chorus in a crowded feel passion.
I think Jesus loves the Internet, because He was, is and forevermore will be...a Man of Passion.
He'd rather hear a passionate man sing out-of-tune
than hear a professional with perfect pitch and no heart.
He'd rather see a passionate cripple waltz in her wheelchair than watch a bored ballerina twirl.
So, fellow nobodies, let us unite in cyber-space.
Let us sing, write, dance, shout, leap and release the passion that is within us. 
The God Who made you LOVES your voice.
The God Who made you LOVES how you express His gift of life.


  1. I love reading your stuff Miss Claudia..... Girl of so much passion and beauty!

  2. Claudia, this is beautiful. I agree and I can't wait to meet you!

  3. AMEN!
    From a fellow limper.❤️
